
Focus on core: how can you accelerate your company’s growth through focused activities?

Michał Paradowski, Vice-president of 4Results

When owners begin to run a business they are usually very focused on their core activities. Most often that is why they manage to enter the market dynamically – they know what they want to sell, what value it brings, and they know their product inside out. They are driven by their passion to develop their business, but also sometimes by a coincidence, a combination of life circumstances, sometimes by economic compulsion. Regardless of the entrepreneurs’ motivation, in the early days they remain very focused on the core of their business. Then the situation starts to change. The company’s turnover begins to grow, there is the temptation to expand the range, develop distribution channels, etc., allowing the organization to grow, but at the cost of an enormous transactional efforts. Entrepreneurs make many choices at that time, often without reflecting on their consequences. Sometimes it is too late to go back, other times it is possible, but only with a lot of resources. Periods of downturn, such as a pandemic, are a good time to look back and ask ourselves: how can I focus more today to be even more successful tomorrow? […]

(The article was published in the “Relacje” magazine of the Family Business Initiative, March 2021)

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